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Story Starter A6

Story Starter A6

The beautiful mist of the jungle spread out like a blanket, shrouding the entire are with a mysterious yet majestic feel. I heaved a contented sigh. ‘This,’ I thought, will be my home.’

The pilot cleared his throat, “So, your family and friends let you come out here, to one of the most desolate places on planet earth?” he shook his head in mock wonder. I smiled. His question was genuine, though he smiled good-naturedly.

“I’m afraid I’m alone in the world, Richard. I’m actually here to preach the gospel.” Richard looked surprised. “I’m a Christian myself. I thought honestly you were running away from your parents.” I laughed.

All thoughts of further conversation ceased when an engine began to sputter. “Uh oh! We got engine trouble!”

“Is it anything serious?” just as I asked, the engine went dead, and the other one began to give out. Richard began frantically flipping switches, “I think we are going to have to crash land!” He tried the radio, but we seemed to be out of range.

“Oh Lord help us!” Richard yelled as the treetops got closer. He was still trying desperately to get the engines back on but it was too late. To the sound of crunching metal and my own terrified screams, I passed out.


-Richard dies in landing, so you survive off of what you brought with you until natives bring you to their village.

-You and Richard survive but one is badly injured.

-You come across an undercover area that is being kept secret from the world. A lab that has just created a special kind of nuclear-powered launching bomb that can fit in the palm of your hand.

-As your journey continues, you find that Richard is your older brother, or father depending on age.

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